Lead/Chair : Brian Adam
Be informed and make recommendations on areas such as:
Human Resources, Health and Safety, Staffing, Finance, Budget, Audits, Legal matters, Inter-Municipal/Regional Services, Access to Information, External Communications.
Public Works
Lead/Chair: Ivan Schryer
Be informed and make recommendations on areas such as:
Municipal Infrastructure: Roads, Water & Sewer Networks, Roads and Transfer Site Operations, Waste Management & Recycling
Public Security
Lead/Chair: Patrick Fleming
Be informed and make recommendations on areas such as:
Fire Department Pontiac Ouest, Emergency Preparedness (Civil Security Plan), Police – Surete du Quebec, Fire Safety Cover Plan, Neighborhood Watch
Land Use Planning and By-law Enforcement
Lead/Chair: Nancy McGuire
Be informed and make recommendations on areas such as:
Land-use Plans, Zoning, Urbanism, Inspections, By-law enforcement
Lead/Chair: Mariette Sallafranque
Be informed and make recommendations on areas such as:
Local and Regional Action Plan, Local beautification, local Business Development, Marketing & Tourism, West Pontiac Connects, Pontiac West Marketing Group, AITC (Tourism)
Community, Culture and Recreation
Lead/Chair: Robert Chafe
Sports & Recreation, Culture, Municipal/Community Parks, Family and Senior Action Plans, Non-Profit organizations (Harrington Hall, Agricultural Society, Chapeau Recreation Association, Résidence Meilleur, Upper Pontiac Sports Complex), Municipal/Community Events
Lead/Chair are not decisions makers, but ensure that there is full consultation with others councillors on their committee, the full Council, the Mayor and the Director General, and other staff as appropriate. After full consultation, lead/chair set the overall direction for their files for the 4 year term of Council, establish priorities, create agendas and conduct meetings.