St-alphonsus-de-liguori church, 1888
Address : 106 rue St-Jacques, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes (Québec)
Phone number : 819-689-5232
May 16, 1885, Father Christopher Lynch died and was replaced on 25 May of the same year, by Rev. Dosithée Leduc, rector of the parish of St. Columbkille Pembroke. He was known for his skills as an administrator so he quickly organized the erection of a new stone church in Chapeau. The cornerstone was blessed and dedicated to St. Alphonsus Liguori December 12, 1888.
St-joseph church, 1911
Address : 7 rue St-Joseph, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes (Québec)
Phone number : 819-689-5232